Other Activities

European Documentation Centre

The European College of Parma Foundation is part of the European Documentation Centers network.

The European Documentation Centers (CDE) are bodies established in 1963 by the European Commission and are real points of reference for all those interested in understanding and deepening the dynamics, policies and institutions of the European Union.

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These centers offer a wide range of services and resources, including:

  • Documentation and information material as they provide access to a wide range of official EU documents, such as treaties, directives, regulations, institutional reports and publications.
  • Events and conferences on EU-related topics, involving experts, academics and professionals in the sector.
  • Support for research and in-depth analysis of European themes. CDE operators can offer guidance in bibliographic research, access to digital resources and consultation of primary and secondary sources.
  • European and active citizenship training and education, through training sessions, workshops and educational activities aimed at students of all school levels, encouraging the participation and active involvement of citizens within the EU.
  • Promotion of European citizenship, encouraging intercultural dialogue, exchange of ideas and democratic participation. Through awareness-raising and dissemination activities, they contribute to strengthening the sense of belonging and European identity among citizens of member countries.

The European Documentation Centers therefore represent a fundamental resource for understanding and actively participating in the European integration process. Through the dissemination of information, the promotion of debate and education for European citizenship, they contribute to creating a more informed, aware and participatory European society.

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